MESSAGE FROM THE HEAVEN (Date 1/July/2014) (Part 3 - the end)

(Source: Memoirs journey in search of the light of Hien Nguyen)

Gods: Human beings have one last obstacle. Then the disease, 1 global change threats will eventually change their perception. Humans too small, that people have to work together to improve nature. She threatened, there is no more disasters for them. She was controlled by some bad aliens, the disaster was actually from another planets, they are the ones who travel through space.

In short, this earth Peace, Earth will no longer be one of the national divide. Where I come from, I'm from the earth, human must always help each other, this universe is very dangerous ...ect.. That's an order, The Command, clean hands campaign. The birds will catch a lot of harmful insects. We countdown, we must preserve the health of course not wearing warm clothes, because this is the last winter of humanity, turning the energy is lost, it is very strong shaking, the earth will be greatly shaken need to re-energize for the new round, very dangerous, it is about to be born. Ah. Aliens can read the thoughts of everyone there. They have the power by 1 small machine in the head, not where they lie, MH370 will generally return.

Bottom line is you will not have to make money anymore, everyone is freed the fashion industry will be developed, will have smart clothes, the police have a lot of power, they are the keepers of the peace, you work with them, they are superheroes, will be superheroes to earth.

Oh my god, can not believe it, we're going to be free. In difficulties to terminal of hard! you spoiled my pleasure, and all was light. There will be catastrophic earthquake or something generally Vanga and 1 person in France is correct predictions, because these people contacted aliens through telepathy, earth as it is being 1 child imbalance.

In short, the prophecy is only to scare, to this moment nothing destroyed, because people were so good, they are superhuman, I do not have to spend that money planet, Earth has 1 other childhood with the other planets it extremely wild. 144,000 people are chosen, it is only in the biblical figures. In summary Liberation and Unification in machine perception is very harsh, it is the numbers agree, it's just numbers, people deserve to come nirvana all, are generally very happy,
Right time to appreciate the new format happy, it's just a challenge after all, this is the right when human is older. they look like as monster is worsening. In our beautiful 12D world has many many beautiful people. please stop short, you play slowly, you try to hack me now? Ask so much?

Hien Nguyen: No hack anything, only want to help people know it.

Gods: This is the most disgusting mental pain to others. You see the secret of this game is there. You see one person bleeding, fainting and they will not feel pain. Why do red blood, blue eyes to make people comfortable? Why are there black people blue eyes and yellow skin, red skin? we are actually illusions, the game had ended MH370 back, the normal process, they are still alive, that is obvious. This technology was outdated compared to the other on a very long, on the other world fiction much longer, very many more good stories too marvelous universe, humans have been enjoying many great beauty, people would be extremely surprised and excited, this is just the first episode alone.
We are only just beginning, now a new game begins, people will be returned to its full potential, people are superheroes, they do not know that humans are capable of unused capacity its power, it was one secret, the aliens will teach them.

Hien Nguyen, wrote 6.12am, on 06/July/2014

(P / S: Picture of the religious symbol for the stars, the endless religious. Gods want HN attached to the message)

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