Grace period to realize on a fine day, when I'm thinking immersed in the question: Why do many types of human society so different? Why people love each other, then at that jealousy, advise each other, more harmful? Why do mother and bride dislike each other? Why could the mother-brothers and sisters hate each other ... why, and why ... to find the answer to each question analysis emerged in the mind, to see the country at mutual invasion which caused death scene ruined for humans, as well as at the final solution of greed, hatred and delusion of humanity and then my soul escaped from head to come over the high reaml to start operating the dream experience. You will ask the question, astral soul escapes so how I can determine, right? And this time whether Hien Nguyen is clinically dead? The answer is: The moment I still feel that everything happens around ... but, feeling that death has occurred as how It first came to teach me new lessons, lessons about the perceived dead. After releasing astral soul, spirit and consciousness still exists. We will begin to feel the cold air transmission to each person, the body begins to freeze and hardening, the arterial circulation stops and limbs with other parts of the body will freeze again in consciousness while we still exist, will never fade lose .. Therefore I understand that people before they lose this feeling to last words to loved ones.

After the experience, the moment being restored. I sat up empty-minded, thirsty dry fire the neck ... do you believe I drank 1.5 liter water bottle? That is not drinking as normal, just like you are the body's vitality was drained again be revived. I could feel each deep water inflow parts heart, liver, intestines ... water purification, cleansing and revitalizing cells. I feel my body completely changed, empty, light skin glow eerily smooth ... just like I become a different person. And began to connect the astral soul with the body, in my subconscious thought of 3rd eye in the middle of the forehead (then follow the whisperings of your heart, I do not understand is that the 3rd eye, forever after This reads from the article's HueSa school I understand). Put my index finger on the 3rd before the eyes and concentrate, then each foot operated air flow into the body spread throughout my body, opening the arterial circulation. It ran straight to the top of head, opened cerebrovascular hear opened brain mind becomes sharp, extraordinarily shiny.

After the ordeal of wisdom as well as lessons learned about the universe of superior beings. I've rediscovered Twin, half of my male essence in higher realms. You can believe we all have Twinflame in a high realm, they are supporting, helping restore your memory and your self. Helping you find yourself to understand who you are? incarnation into this realm with what mission? I've been back home, as well as a lot of LightWorker on this earth, Twin and me went to the land that we actually lived there. The land is probably called the God of heaven, the Buddhists call nirvana reasonable??? I do not know, call the land that God is God of this world. Where happiness and eternal light, where the Gods, Buddhas convergence, where the goddesses, gods beautiful clothes in a dreamlike. The scenery is the true first Penglai scene, dazzling  beyond any description by pen. Everything will appear in your mind, want there, you will create a world of your own in that realm ... nothing more wonderful, is not it?

Well, I will not tell too much of the fun here, I dont want LightWorkers fly back just because it's dreamy. I just want to tell you that it is our homeland, our people are looking forward to the day you complete the mission and return to reunite. You should aim for a good place to live you are living now, and doing his best role. It is a role that you have accepted prior incarnation, the purpose choice for your own life.

Again I want to emphasize to you that we are in a planet with the energy of darkness, of evil is surrounded on all sides. The war in world energy always takes place between light and darkness, so you should try to practice and precautions. We're here to help enable network light for the planet, we must bear the challenges of private lessons for sifting out the strong LightWorkers possibility enough to serve God in the Golden Age coming. So, each of you is a warrior of light, not come here to see flowers waiting Equestrian glory .
Wishing you recover quickly, serve and return home.
(The end)

Hien Nguyen

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