In accordance with the wishes of many aspirations LightWorkers about Hien Nguyen has seen things in the realms excursions. HN will post them here in a few short memoir "Journey to find the light" for your reference. Wishing all dear Lightworkers, Starseeds quickly find yourself, and contribute to improving the earth vibrations and completing tasks.

So ..... it's finally come to me. For the moment, my spirit break out of the body, begin the experience of the realm.
First, the trips to a higher realm of pure sound, my body became light as lightheadedness, emotional ecstatic joy. I'm free to play, jump and fly. The world was full of happiness and light. Playing bored, sometimes I lifted the clouds looking down at the earth.

Oh! An extremely chaotic world.
Each white and black air flow leg tightly adhered to rise high bar the other realms. The gas flow was exuding from the top of each person on this earth.
And I especially see more extreme airflow black from them ...
Mysterious cosmic truth, God has a plan for all species to study evolution and learning experience.
Each person is born has accumulated many lives experiances they undergo. And this life lesson is to clear karma, high or short their own. Or regressive evolution is due to the way they choose to live in the present.

Each aura is white symbolizing the purity of one soul, black aura represents evil (or we called Darkness, evil) ...
Only a few people actually have more white aura after death the soul will escape to the realm of pure high vibration and feel confidently, they also have the ability to protect sheltered his family. They are always with us, watching us and helping us when needed. They have become really high spirits.

The vast majority of those with 2 flow equal between black and white, they only to the realm of astral wandering to pay karma now, learn the lesson bundle pillow and sat waiting for the time to come back reincarnated . Everyone faces stress, and each soul has its future parents. They waited a moment to be connected to reincarnate .

And is that a majority of the majority of people have more black airflow, accumulation of many lives this life has not paid off, as do many bad things have accumulated so much better ... they are not metabolized reincarnated the lessons continue to be evolved, which must move through a different realm with ultra low vibration, where it lives in darkness and sinking them extremely distressed. Sunlight lust, lust for life mundane, but they also suffer from paying karma. Hell is not far away, how much it is hell enough of them already ...
The law of the universe, evil is never good win, so even if the other black airflow is powerful, it would never be free to overrun the realm of pure love and light there.

(End of Part 1. Continued ...)
Hien Nguyen

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